Watch for details for our next fundraiser.
Here is a preview of this beautiful quilt with a wonderful story that the society will be making available as a fundraiser.

About the artist
Phyllis Farnsworth was born in north central Massachusetts and was a descendant of its early settlers. In 1953 she and her husband Bill moved to Lancaster where she became very involved with preserving the town’s rich history. In 1989 she was a founding member of the Lancaster Historical Society. In 1995, she received a “Lifetime Achievement Award” from the Massachusetts Historical Commission for her many accomplishments.
She was also very interested in the decorative arts and was a lifetime member of the Society of Early American Decoration. She applied her talent to the decoration of furniture, trays and reverse glass, needlepoint, crewel, dress making, and quilting.

Phyllis belonged to numerous area quilting groups and the quilt shown here is a fine example of her handiwork. It was given to us by her good friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Roy to be used as a fundraiser. Watch for details on how you may become the next owner of this very special heirloom quality treasure!
The Lancaster Historical Society recently had the value of Phyllis Farnsworth’s appliqued quilt estimated by certified appraiser Vivien Sayre of Marshfield, MA.
We were very happy with the results and will use this information when the quilt is made available as a fund-raiser.
Stay tuned!